Sunday, July 20, 2014

Summer vacation writing assignment

I would like you to write a short research paper/report about the product/company that you chose for your presentations. The focus of the paper is up to you. Think of a question you want to know the answer to and find the answers to it and write about it. This paper should have some statistics or data which you can get from the internet or other easy-to-find sources. To start, think about what you would like to find out, make a question, and do a little research to see if your question is suitable and answerable. When you are sure about your research question, please consult with me. Once I give you the green light, you can go ahead.

Since you will be using some research for this paper, you must include a reference list at the end of the paper for you to write the sources of your data. The title of this section should be "References" (or "Reference" if you have only one).
Most likely, you will consult an internet source. Your reference for an internet source should be:
Name of article. The date it was posted if it is shown. Name of site where you got it. URL.
   Example using the entry from this HP:
"Guinea pig - meaning." 2014.06.19. Intensive Business Today 2014. <>

If you use a book or some other type of data source, please contact me and I will tell you how to write a reference for it.
The structure or your paper should be (the starred words should be your section headings):
     *Introduction - give a general introduction and background and then say what your research question is like this:
                       The research question to be answered in this paper is xxxxxxxxxx.
     *Research and discussion - explain what you found out
     *Conclusion - wrap up
     *References - list up
I cannot assign you a specific topic for this assignment, since your topics are different. Please find a good topic/research question yourself!

Deadline to confirm the topic - August 4 (Monday)
Paper due - September 16 (Tuesday - first class back after summer vacation)
Length of paper - 2-4 typed (12-point Times font), 1.5 spaced. At the top of page one, type your title in the centre and your name only (no student #) on the right side of the same line.
As you have found out, it is very easy to make typing mistakes! Please check your spelling and typing very carefully. Relying on the spellchecker is not enough. Do a human check too.

I will be available by email mostly throughout the summer vacation. If you have any questions once you get started, please get in touch at my uni email address: