Monday, May 12, 2014

May 13 class

p. 13 "Culture at work" - Hierarchy: Hierarchy refers to the distance between different layers of staff and management in an organisation (company). Recently, some companies have restructured their company, removing levels of management and producing a flatter hierarchy. Why? To cut costs and improve communication. Some organisations have also begun to regroup their staff into project teams.
In a steep hierarchy - there are many levels of management; there is unequal distribution of power; each member of staff has a fixed role or function.
In a flatter hierarchy - there are fewer levels of management; power is more equally distributed among employees, and their roles are more flexible.

p. 13 Listening
2. Harry Wilson: oversees every aspect of policy practice
15,000 employees
"I am responsible for...."
3. Karl-Heinz Egonolf: deals with external auditors. He oversees quarterly reports
10 accountants
Phrase: "My job entails...."
4. Jill Black: in charge of people taking phone orders for different companies
responsible for recruitment and training[reporting to client companies and contacting new clients
25 people
Phrase: "I am in charge of...." "I report to...."
5. Mary Fitzsimmons: deals with the press, sends out press releases, is in charge of a team of writers
15 staff plus 20 freelance writers
Phrase: "I'm also in charge of....."

HW for May 20: write the email on p. 14 ("write it up"). Read p. 18 in the style guide to prepare and refer to the two examples on p. 19. Your email should follow the model for a formal email.
Details for the header: The sender of the email is you. Choose the position you have in the company. The date is the day you do the HW. Don't forget to write an imaginary Cc,. Bcc. and a real Subject. If you want to add an imaginary attachment, give the attachment a name.
Type your HW on A4 paper, put your name at the top and bring to class to hand in. I would like to see your HW this time.

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