Sunday, June 22, 2014

Presentation #1 guidelines

The purpose of the presentation is to give you practice making a presentation. The content is important, but it merely requires you gather, choose, and organize your information. There is no indepth research involved. You will be graded mostly on the organization of your talk, your slides and your presentation style. The content (the information) will be considered when deciding your grade, but it will be less important than the other things.
This presentation is 5 minutes max. Keep that in mind as you prepare.
Target date for presentations: July 8

Prepare 4 slides for your presentation. They don't need to be elaborate (fancy). Save time and keep them simple.
Slide #1: title page
Slide #2: introduction and outline
Slide #3: information that will be in your main section (points or pictures)
Slide #4: conclusion

Technical points for your slides
1. suitable sized font - 24 point minimum?
2. keep text to a minimum - too much text on the slide is NG. Points or single words only (no full sentences). Max 3 or 4 lines?
3. check English - spelling and grammar - this is a MUST

Sample overview of  a presentation about a restaurant you like. SAMPLE ONLY
Intro - the name, location and type of restaurant
Outline - 3 points
1. point #1
2. point #2
3. point #3
Main section - explanation about the three points in your outline. Use key words/phrases in a list on your screen
Conclusion - say why you would recommend it and give advice about going there. End the presentation by asking audience for questions.

Sample overview of  a presentation about a product or company you think is successful OR why you like it. 
Intro - the name of the product/company and some background information about it
Outline - 3 features
1. feature #1
1. feature #2
3. feature #3
Main section- explanation about the three points in your outline. Use key words/phrases in a list on your screen
Conclusion - why you would recommend it or buy it again in the future. End the presentation by asking audience for questions.

Presentation style - 
1. Look up at your audience and look around at all of us.
2. Speak loudly and clearly. The projector for the screen is noisy, so make sure to speak loudly enough.
3. Do not speak too quickly. Add longer pauses between phrases and sentences than you think. When you present, you are usually nervous, which makes you speak more quickly. Slow down!
4. Look at us - DO NOT LOOK AT THE SCREEN. You have the screen in front of you and behind you. Do not look at the screen hanging from the ceiling.
5. You may use a sheet of paper, but you must hold it in your hands and not read it continually.
6. Practise! This is a must. You must get comfortable with your materials, with standing and talking, and with using good presentation style.

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