Saturday, November 29, 2014

Final paper and presentation

Final Paper
Paper Topic: chosen by you, based on one of these areas that we studied in the textbook -
Strategy (chapter 3)
Outsourcing (chapter 7)
Recruitment (chapter 9)
Counterfeiting (chapter 10)
Communication (chapter 13)
Topic deadline: December 16
Format: Using the basic title, introduction, body, conclusion, reference list format, your introduction should include -
your topic stated clearly as a statement of what you wanted to find out
  * the reason you chose the topic
  * how you will discuss your topic in the rest of the paper (i.e., "I will begin by .......
Next, I will ........, and finally I will ....).
Reference list: **You must have at least one reference from an English source. Start your reference list on the next line after the last line of your paper. Do not start it on a new page. The reference list should follow the format I gave you before - nearly everyone did it poorly last time, so make sure to review and follow the guidelines I gave you. To repeat:

Author name. (publication year). Book title. City of book publication: Publisher name.
Magazine articles: Author name. (publication year). Article title. Journal name, volume, pp.#.
Author name. (Date). Article title. HP title. Retrieved from: URL
If you use other types of sources, ask me how to reference them.
Mistakes in your reference list will lower your grade.

Length: 3-5 pages, 1.5 spaced + references
Number of references: it is up to you, but you should have at least two
Copying: If you copy from your sources, your grade will automatically be zero. When you want to refer to a source in your paper, do it like this:
According to ......,
The complete reference (following the above format) for the reference should be in the reference list.
Hand in your paper at my office by January 20 at 12 noon. You will lose 10% off your grade for each day you are late.

Check your paper for grammar and spelling mistakes. Papers with such mistakes will receive a lower grade.


Length: 10 minutes maximum, including Q&A
Format: See the presentation for January 13 page for details

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