Monday, November 24, 2014

Vocabulary and comprehension questions for Unit 7 The new global shift reading p. 60

Par. 1 "The handwriting is on the wall" - expression meaning something is very clear and that something significant is happening. In this article, the "handwriting" refers to corporate downsizing and job slashing.
Par. 4  "mining databases" - to mine, in this case, is to get information from the databases. In a real mine, you extract gems."To mine something" simply means getting something out of something - usually some kind of information.
Par. 5 - surplus - more than is needed
redeploy - to redirect
Par. 6 "to keep xxx in check" - to keep something under control - in this case, it is prices.
Par. 7 - backlash - strong negative reaction
Par. 8 - beneficiary -  someone who receives something/has an advantage over something.
implication - conclusion; result

Check the Unit 7 glossary on p. 150 for more definitions to help you understand the article and answer these questions. Also check online for information when you need it.
Paragraph 2
1. Why are a lot of jobs headed to India?
2. What are employees doing at Wipro?

Paragraph 3
3. What was the first phase of globalisation?
4. What was the next phase?

Paragraph 4
5. And what is the third phase that is the focus of this article?

Paragraph 5
6. What is offshore hiring?

Paragraph 8
7. What is the "global knowledge industry"?
8. Who are the "big benificaries" mentioned?

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